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Male, 54 years, born on 9 January 1971

Moscow, metro station Pechatniki, willing to relocate (Australia, Great Britain, Egypt, Canada, New Zealand, Pakistan, Thailand, Croatia), prepared for business trips

Project manager, deputy director

4 500 $ in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 27 years 4 months

November 2005currently
19 years 5 months
LABCHIMTEH Ltd., a representation of IKA Werke GmbH (Germany), ThermoProbe, Inc. (USA), LAMY Rheology (France), AmaR Equipments (India).
Deputy general director.
Since 2005 the company has signed the dealership and representation agreements with the following companies: - IKA Werke GmbH Laboratory and Process equipment departments (Germany); - LAMY Rheology (France); - ThermoProbe, Inc.(USA); - Amar Equipments Co. (India). The main scope of the job is following. Based on available information, evaluation of possible projects for taking part. Special consideration has been done for participation in projects with chemical, pharmaceutical, life-science and medical companies such as STADA (Makiz pharma), Rafarma, Nycomed, ABBA pharmaceutical, Verophama, Zdorovie (Health) and their affiliated companies. Assessment of necessary technical possibilities, funds and human resources for each project, time and financial planning for the most potential projects. Definition of aims and goals for working groups, elaboration of plans of for each project, including advertising and finance planning. Supervising, administration and participation in the routine work for each project, in particular in the issues of certification in accordance to international standards (ISO, EN, DIN, GMP). Evaluation of potential conflicts among the staff and settlement. Evaluation of key-persons for each project and assessment of possibilities for setting of personal relations, implementation and maintenance of such relations. Coordination of the relations and preparation agreements with foreign suppliers, delivery schedule coordination (INCOMTERMS). Holding of negotiations with clients and competitors. Among others, the following recent projects could be mentioned as achievements: - Frame contract with group of companies of STADA – Makiz Farma for delivery and installation of analytical and production equipment of the leading international companies (BINDER (Germany), ERWEKA (Germany), Millipore (France), Perkin Elmer (USA), Waters (USA), Agilent (USA), IKA Werke (Germany) in 2009-11 year; - contract for delivery and commissioning of complete set of laboratory furniture and equipment for Nycomed (Yaroslavl) in 2011 year; - contracts for delivery and commissioning of complete set of laboratory furniture and analytical equipment for a new antibiotics plant and research center of Rafarma company (in Moscow and Lipetsk region) in 2009-2011 year; - state contract for development of equipment for modeling and measurement of rheological characteristics of pharmaceutical and life-science substances for the Research and Certification Centre of Ministry of Defense in 2010; - delivery and installation of complete set of analytical and other equipment for laboratory of HIV and viral hepatitis research of Moscow academy named after Sechenov in 2008-09 year. Number and kind of employees supervised: five managers, three technicians.
January 2003October 2005
2 years 10 months
AVRORA-Service Ltd.
Manager, deputy head of the laboratory equipment department.
Taking part in evaluation of detailed plans of for current projects, in particular in chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food production and oil and gas sphere, in accordance to the company plans and goals. Evaluation of detailed annual plans for participation in exhibitions and for advertising. Preparation of proposals for the directors of the company about team organization, investments, certification and metrology issues. Analysis of technological, technical and metrological problems of clients, evaluation of technical decisions, determination of necessary equipment for the technical solutions, making choice about suppliers, project documents preparation. Caring out of contracts, preparation of tender documents with pharmaceutical, food and petrochemical companies such as Wimbilldan, Pepsi, Yarpivo, UKOS (Angarsk refinery), Sahalin Energy – I, II project, KTK (Caspian pipeline consortium) and their subsidiaries. Correspondence and coordination with foreign suppliers concerning of purchasing, in particular, the following tasks were carried out: - discussion of technical details about the required equipment with foreign partners; - placing orders; - organization of the delivery on different terms (INCOMTERMS). Organization of efficient cooperation with accounting, technical and logistics departments, concerning of projects and contract details. Preparation of technical proposals for clients, contract documents and other routine paper-work. Preparation of materials and taking part in negotiations. Number and kind of employees supervised: three managers, four technicians.
October 2001December 2002
1 year 3 months
Rendering the assistance for the head of the department for the planning of project activities, framed by the company strategy, mostly for development business with state and privet chemical and petrochemical companies. Such as Transneft (NGDU), Slavneft (Saratov refinery), UKOS (Angarsk refinery), Sahalin Energy – I, II project, KTK (Caspian pipeline consortium) TNK, Gasprom and their subsidiaries. As a team member, taking part in exhibitions and advertising activities. Analysis of technological and metrological problems of clients, evaluation of technical decisions, determination of necessary equipment for the technical solutions, making choice about suppliers, project documents preparation. Tender and other necessary documents preparation. Correspondence with end-users and clients. Prompt correspondence with foreign suppliers, coordination of purchasing and delivery. Data bases updating and interoffice reports preparations. As a part of a project team, the following tasks were carried out: - working in cooperation with accounting and technical departments; - preparation of technical proposals for clients, contract documents and other routine paper-work; - reports preparation for the head directors of the company about the current projects; Preparation of materials and taking part in negotiations. Number and kind of employees supervised: two technicians.
November 1998June 2001
2 years 8 months
The Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Pakistan, Karachi Branch.
Senior Expert
Dynamic analysis of the situation in the national (Pakistan) market, including observation of local statistics, forecasting of the influence of international market on the local industries and on the Russian market. Evaluation of reports about the situation in local industries (in particular – chemical, pharmaceutical and food production) for the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. Based on available publications and information of personal visiting, analysis of the current state of the local infrastructure (plants, sea ports, roads, pipelines) and evaluation of certain reports. Observation of official trade and customs statistics and publications, concerning of non-proliferation issues (export or import of chemicals, pharmaceutical, bio and life-science materials) and evaluation of reports. Statistic selection of best prospects (government and privet companies, production plants etc.) for collaboration development, expert consultations. Assessment of the local possibilities, investments and national human resources for economic ties development, recommendations for the most potential projects. Specifically, the sphere of the interest was to maintain the relations with the government and privet chemical and pharmaceutical companies (Glaxo/SmithKlein, BASF, Esso, Bayer). Analysis of levels of local and foreign technologies, participation in technology and equipment transfer, in particular, from the point of view of certification and metrology. Providing the information, organization of consultations and other assistance for the Russian companies, interested in working on the local market. Assistance in working groups organization, making recommendations about members selection from the foreign and national specialists. Preparation of information for negotiations and for official visits, taking part in them. Number and kind of employees supervised: two trade experts, three persons of technical staff.
September 1997October 1998
1 year 2 months
The Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Pakistan, Karachi Branch.
Dynamic analysis of the situation in the national (Pakistan) market trends, including observation of local statistics, forecasting of the influence of international market on the local industries and on the Russian market. Evaluation of reports about the situation in local industries (in particular – chemical, petrochemical and food production) for the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. Observation of official trade and customs statistics and publications, concerning of non-proliferation issues (export or import of chemicals, nuclear materials) and evaluation of reports. Statistic selection of best prospects (government and privet companies, production plants etc.) for collaboration development. Preparation of reports for the Ministry and for the Russian companies. Assessment of the local possibilities, investments and national human resources for economic ties development. Analysis of levels of local and foreign technologies (also for proliferation issues), participation in technology and equipment transfer. Providing the information, organization of consultations and other assistance for the Russian companies, interested in working on the local market. Assistance in working groups organization, making recommendations about members selection from the foreign and national specialists, financial and action planning. Preparation of information for negotiations and for official visits, taking part in them. Number and kind of employees supervised: two trade assistants, three persons of technical staff.

About me

- good presentation skills; - certain skills in project managing software usage; - ability to organize a team of like-minded people; - ability to find and analyze the necessary information by my own; - abilities of setting contacts with people and establish personal relations.


Higher education (master)

The Moscow State University.
Department of Chemistry/Chemist., Diploma FV # 069931.
The Moscow State University.
Department of Military Studies/lieutenant, commander of a platoon of WMD protection., Military certificate GS # 166163



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchA1 — Basic

UkrainianB2 — Upper Intermediate

Professional development, courses

“Requirements of European certification for petroleum products (fuels), exporting to Europe”.
Education Establishment Consulting Centre (License # 25-1571)., Certificate # 1442.
International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
University of Cambridge, the British Council, Pakistan., Certificate # 99PK0002KOMD010G.
Trade relations officer of a Trade representation of Russia.
The Academy of International Trade of the Ministry of External Trade, Moscow Institute of International Business., Certificate # 2\3621.

Tests, examinations

English Language, Culture and Conversation course.
University of Cambridge, the British Council, Pakistan., Certificate # 005467
Driving license of the Russian Federation (international).
GAI, 77MK # 169362, B, since 1994, valid.

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter