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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 47 years, born on 17 April 1977

Not looking for a job

Moscow, metro station Altufievo, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Argentina, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, USA, Turkey, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland), prepared for business trips

Brand Manager

250 000  in hand

  • Marketing and advertising department manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 25 years 2 months

April 2019currently
6 years
RSHB-Life Insurance

Moscow, www.rshb.life

Financial Sector... Show more

Chief Marketing Officer
Marketing communications Digital Marketing PR
December 2017February 2019
1 year 3 months

Moscow, www.evotor.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Product manager
- New Product Development - Research - A/B testing - Promotion - Business-process developing and implementation - Budgeting (project P&L), ROI/ROMI - Management of Cross-functional Team
October 2015November 2017
2 years 2 months

Moscow, fesco.ru

Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Начальник отдела развития digital-проектов и маркетинговых коммуникаций
4 subordinates Key Responsibilities: - Customer relationship management; - Brand management; - Segmentation; - Event management; - Digital marketing; Achievements: - Participation in 5 exhibition is conducted; - Participation in 4 key public events is organized; - SMM development – Facebook group created and managed on a regular basis; - Web-site www.fesco.ru updated; - 1-st stage of CRM deployment is done
January 2015July 2015
7 months
Refforma (plastic surgery & cosmetology clinics)

Moscow, www.refforma.ru

Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacies... Show more

Business development manager
5 direct subordinates. Total headcount of subordinate structure - 53 employees (10 of them are hired by me). Key Responsibilities: - Business development: business planning and management, promotion, portfolio & price management, benchmarking (pricing, competitors’ positions, etc.); - P&L figures; - Market analysis with proper action plan development and execution; - Partners’ promotion and incentive programs development and execution; - HR management; - Information flow within local organization. Achievements: - Monthly growth rate - from 24 up to 40% (while total market is declining by 10-15%); - 1-st week of April: clinics “birthday week” planned and conducted with best sales (per week and per day) results ever; - End of April – new clinic is opened in Ekaterinburg; - Renewed price-list prepared and implemented; - Bi-weekly operational meeting are planned and conducted; - 2015-2020 Strategic Business Plan developed and approved by owners.
January 2013January 2015
2 years 1 month
Philips Electronics/WOOX Innovations Eurasia

Moscow, www.philips.ru

Electronics, Tool Engineering, Household Appliances, Computers and Office Equipment... Show more

Старший менеджер по маркетингу
Key Responsibilities: - Business development: business planning and management, portfolio & price management, benchmarking (pricing, competitors’ positions, etc.); - P&L figures ; - Strengthens the Philips brand position via PR & MarCom support (in conjunction with PR & MarCom Manager); - Market analysis with proper action plan development and execution; - Partners’ promotion and incentive programs development and execution; - Marketing support for Key Account Managers & Regional Sales Team; - Information flow within local organization. Achievements: - 2013: stable sales results on a declining market; market share growth in selected categories: Home Theater 5.1 (from 6% to 13.7%), SoundBars (from 16,4% to 18.5%), SoundBar Speakers (from launch to 10% within 6 months after launch); - Sales tools upgraded: Linechart/Must Stock List, Sales ToolKit; - Quarterly marketing planning sessions for 5 Key Accounts and 2 distributors are conducted; - 2014 Strategic Business Plan developed and approved by head-office; - SharePoint – sole source of information is created, administrated by me and actively used by all employees.
September 2008January 2013
4 years 5 months

Moscow, www.microsoft.com/Rus/careers/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Channel marketing manager, Entertainment & Devices Department
 Sales volume support on the stable level of the year 2008-2009 (competitors sales fell to the level of 2004-2005)  Strategic development plan for hardware division developed, incl. market potential estimation, partners policy, portfolio-management, target audience research, adjacent market penetration, etc.;  New “Product guide” for partners developed  New retail price-list developed and presented to the partners  Marketing plans for 5 Key Accounts prepared;  2 integrated marketing campaigns developed and implemented;  Category management Pilot project presented for 3 partners, agreed with 2 of them and already implemented with 1.
June 2003September 2008
5 years 4 months

Moscow, www.3MRussia.ru/careers

Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacies... Show more

Marketing specialist/coordinator
 3 operational business-plans prepared, incl. marketing plans;  Local manufacturing plan prepared;  Growth rate for 2 years (2006-2007) – 100%;  Merchandising process is developed and implemented for KA chains (using students as contractors);  Regional conferences and product trainings organized and implemented for potential partners;  4 integrated marketing campaigns developed and implemented, growth rate during campaigns – from 52% to 68% (average yearly growth rate – 48%).  Organized participation in 3-4 central & 7-8 regional exhibitions/tradeshows;  Prepared & placed more than 25 articles, and more than 10 different ads layouts in specialized industrial media;  10 brochures & booklets regarding 3M industrial solutions on B2B market are prepared & printed;
June 2002May 2003
1 year
Alliance "Russian Textile"

FMCG (non-edible)... Show more

 Regular (monthly) sales and portfolio analysis;  Business plan for bed linen retail chain outlets opening prepared  Pricing poilcy developed  Primary market research conducted
March 2001June 2002
1 year 4 months

Moscow, www.rim3.ru,www.cherry-sad.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Brand-Manager for academic books, business development department specialist
 Market research  New publishing projects business-plans developed and partially implemented
November 1999March 2001
1 year 5 months
Management company «Yuzhuralprom», JSC

Food Products... Show more

Marketing Group Manager (confectionery)
 Brand developed "from the scratch"  Product management policy developed: portfolio management, pricing, etc  Listing in all major food retail chains done  Participation in food exibitions  BTL promo-campigns developed and implemented


Skill proficiency levels
Brand Management
Analytical skills
Team management
Marketing Analysis
B2B Marketing
Управление отношениями с клиентами
Business Planning
Presentation skills
Public Speaking
Driving Licence B
Product Promotion
MS Movie Maker
Организационные навыки
Управление проектами
Ведение переговоров
Английский язык
Организаторские навыки
Работа в команде
Организация мероприятий
Деловое общение
Проведение презентаций
MS Dynamics CRM
Digital Marketing
Навыки презентации
Product Management
Marketing Communication

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category A, B

About me

PROFESSIONAL SKILLS  Business-planning: short- & long-term business-development plans creation – estimation of potential market volume, profitability, fixed & direct costs, headcount, marketing budget, breakeven point, contribution income. Key development and promotion strategies selection based on primary & secondary research. Participation in preparing of business-plan for local converting/production (in collaboration with manufacturing, engineering, sourcing & financial team). 6 Sigma tools & technology knowledge and ability to use it for project-management.  Product-management: new product creating (from scratch) & development to listing and sales; portfolio development; pricing; price-lists development, demand forecasting (sales & in-stock balance analysis for current portfolio; market potential estimation for new products on the market), distributors policy development (incl. discount policy); supply chain control; portfolio management (based on sales & growth metrics) using category analysis, analysis by clients, by channels, etc.  Research/Analytical skills: primary target audience defining & market segmentation; searching & consolidation of secondary market data; agencies briefing for qualitative & quantitative marketing research, marketing data analysis, target audience & segmentation corrections based on research results, estimation of market segment potential;  Channel management: channel programs development for partners; category management approach; setting key channel and partners objectives for products/category with SRs and distributors; merchandising; development & implementation of product training programs;  Promotion: integrated marketing campaigns development and implementation (push & pull strategies, incentive programs, etc.), agencies briefing, creative positioning & promotion concept development for new and existing products on the market; design & identity standards development: packaging, P.O.P.-materials, Ads layouts, etc.; brand-management; ATL-activities: media-planning, Ads placement in print media, on the radio, on public transport, etc.; BTL-activities: trials, degustation, road-shows, P.O.P.-promotions (design, production and warehousing of permanent & semi-permanent displays), lotteries; cross-promotions; organizing of exhibitions, tradeshows & participation in contests;  PR-activity: preparation of materials regarding events and occasions for PR-departments; press releases & articles preparation for internal and external needs.  Managerial skills: collateral targets setting for marketers & SRs; action plans for staff; negotiation skills with key accounts; organizing of collaboration planning meetings with key accounts on quarterly and yearly basis to analyze current results and plan further activities.

Higher education

MSU named after M. V. Lomonosov
Economic faculty, Bachelor degree in Economics



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchA2 — Elementary

Professional development, courses

Crucial Conversations
MBW Training
Negotiating for Results
MBW Training
Project Management Framework (PMI-based)
MBW Training
NIMA Marketing B
State University “Higher School of Economics” , NIMA-B (level 6)
"6 Sigma” Trainings
3M Corporate Education, "6 Sigma” Green Belt

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter