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Male, 42 years, born on 10 June 1982
Croatia, willing to relocate (Moscow, Saint Petersburg), prepared for business trips
Support engineer
- Technical support specialist
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 15 years 9 months
February 2010 — currently
15 years 2 months
Primary school "Primorje", Primary school "Slano"
Teacher of Informatics
Teacher of Informatics in school ( children 11-15 years old ). Microsoft Office, Basic programming,Little about network protocols...
March 2008 — September 2008
7 months
Datentechnik Lt.d, Zagreb, Croatia
Technican in telecommunication systems
Configuration and testing of wireless equipment ( ap,quick bridge (base -satellite)),customer service
About me
I was working in company which occupy about telecommunication and network systems.I was working as trainee of networks systems,mostly wireless systems.It is configuration of ap or network equipment such as base and satellite.My job consists of configuration that network devices for customers and to work with them..(also to respond on their questions,and try to resolve some problems with devices such as, reinstall devices ( explain step by step),also to introduce with characteristics ).I was working with small devices too such as wireless cards and troubleshooting...and write small reports after that.
Higher education (bachelor)
Faculty of electrical engineering,mechanical engineering and naval architecture, Split, Croatia
Computer engineering, Bachelor of computer engineering
High Nautical-technical school, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Navigation, Technican in Navigation
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Croatia
Permission to work: Croatia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter