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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 32 years, born on 11 April 1992

Brazil, willing to relocate (Vladivostok, Germany, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Moscow, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Croatia), prepared for business trips

Technical support specialist

  • Technical support specialist

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 14 years 2 months

February 2020currently
5 years 2 months

Brazil, www.battlestategames.com

Technical support office specialist
Answer the requests from the users, purchased on Game ticket system. Answer the messages, received on the Game official web-site forum. For ticket responses in the ticket system, the responses already present in the system and new responses created by me were used. (English, Portuguese and Spanish) Analysis and identification of problems via game or Windows logs. Diagnosis of connection problems.
August 2017June 2020
2 years 11 months

Brazil, www.battlestategames.com

Forum Moderator/Emissary("Community Manager")
As Forum Moderator: Administer the official game forum. Ensuring User submissions comply with the established rules. Edit or delete publications that do not comply with the rules. Move topics to the correct area. As Emissary: Translate news and patchnotes. Taking questions from players regarding the game. Manage group on Facebook/Whatsapp/Discord. Collecting Feedback from the players to the DEVs. Helping to organize events such as contests and giveaways. PS: Above the Emissaries we had Juniors and Seniors Community managers. Each emissary is responsible for his/her community(region) and within it being a community manager for the supervision of the above positions.
February 2019February 2020
1 year 1 month
Индивидуальное предпринимательство / частная практика / фриланс


Various services in the IT area. Focus on small businesses and stores: Maintenance of computers and laptops, devices(printers, etc...), maintenance in networks/wifi, remote user support, implementation of new stations and infrastructures, etc... Also services provided to old customers(Reformadora Alves and others)
October 2013November 2018
5 years 2 months
Reformadora Alves

Brazil, reformadoraalves.com.br

System administrator
Responsible for the maintenance of all company computers and laptops. Implementation and maintenance of Windows Server 2012 R2 server with Active Directory. Services on behalf of the Reformadora Alves in other companies such as Helpdesk, Implementation and maintenance of Windows Server(2012/2016), Support on Windows XP/7/8/10 Operating System, MySQL Database, CCTV, Network Infrastructure , PC/laptop maintenance, etc...
June 2013October 2013
5 months
University Católica de Santos

Brazil, www.unisantos.br

Trainee in IT Support
General Helpdesk: Direct support to the user, maintenance of computers and laptops, diagnose and troubleshoot Windows XP/Vista/7 operating systems, Cloning HD, Active Directory, Installation and maintenance in networked printers, organize and report changes and maintenance referring to each device within an internal software of the company in order to the history serve for future diagnoses, etc...
January 2011April 2013
2 years 4 months
StreetPoint Skate Shop

Brazil, www.spskateshop.com.br

Website Administrator/Sales
Responsible for entering the store in eCommerce. Implementation and administration of the site, computerized inventory management, sales management on third-party sites such as Mercado Livre(similar to eBay). Physical sales and maintenance of the computer and store network.


Skill proficiency levels
Driving Licence B
Active Directory
Windows Server
Английский язык
Испанский язык
End user support
User Support
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7
Windows Xp
hardware maintenance
mobile devices
MS Office
Mac Os

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

I love games and technology. I am a person of easy adaptation, I am not shy and I am very social. I know Moscow and Kazan. I really want to move to Russia.I have ease in learning languages. Some more skills: User Support, computer maintenance, Network Management, Network Administration, Project Management, Site administration, CCTV, Information Security, Linux, Microsoft Windows. Education: I have incomplete higher education, but I have technical education and have worked in the area. My technical education was done at SENAI.

Incomplete higher education

University Santa Cecília "UNISANTA"
Bachelor's degree in Information Systems



EnglishC1 — Advanced

RussianA2 — Elementary

SpanishC1 — Advanced

Professional development, courses

SENAI "Antonio Souza Noschese"
SENAI, Technician Computer Network "Certificate"

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Brazil

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter